Cyber security news

The latest news and updates from the world of cyber security - including news, research and comment

Cyber incidents for 2017 show Ransomware affect
Business Gateway publishes bad cyber security advice
ICO website still down after crypto-mining hack
Will GDPR breed a new type of phish?

Will GDPR breed a new type of phish?

18th January 2018 Research
The uncertainty about the new rights of data subjects will open the door to identity phishing as social engineers leverage the fear of landmark fines.

Who’s settling the ransomware bill?

Who’s settling the ransomware bill?

17th January 2018 Comment
Well resourced and IT literate professional firms have been key targets for ransomware attacks - some pay the ransom, others choose not to - but the effects can be just as damaging either way.

The human factors of notifiable DP breaches

The human factors of notifiable DP breaches

14th January 2018 Research
Human factors are not studied in any great depth - yet over half of notifiable data protection breaches in the last two years have been the result of human error.

Leicester City Council data breach

Leicester City Council data breach

13th January 2018 News
Leicester City Council inadvertently disclosed details of "hundreds, potentially thousands" of vulnerable people.

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